And not only did he do a big year but it turns out that he did a big year at the same time as two other birders, and it turned out to be the biggest big year in North American Big Year history. So, up in the tree up there, there's a red-tailed hawk and there's a raven flying past it, said Dick Filby, a local birder who leads winter bird outings in the Snowmass Ski Area. He has always been smitten by the birding bug and loves to get outside. Hes been hired on as a bird consultant for the movie. Do you want to enjoy going to work? Would you have chosen someone else? I'm at 245 and I'm gunning for your record.' Can you see him? Bokram said in a hushed tone. Aspen Glen resident Sibel Tekce welcomed the birders to her home along the Roaring Fork River. The first Bicknells I ever saw was in Central Park and I saw another subsequently in the park. (Authors rank pretty low in the Hollywood food chain, after all.) Which is your favorite field guide and why? (To ensure the correct species appear on screen, Im told some birds were added laterso, for instance, Jack Black points binocs into a bush and then stock footage is added.). Bird Galveston's East End with one of the world's most famous birders! Mr. Komito . The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) and the Roaring Fork Audubon Society held their counts Dec. 18 and 19. We divided our 15-mile-diameter circle into eightsections and were able to cover several different habitats, including pinyon-juniper woodlands, spruce and fir forests, wetlands, mostly-frozen ponds, riparian areas, downtown Carbondale, and birdfeeders in a few areas. Over the course of the year it took to research and write the story (which is surprisingly funny), the author had a change of heart. C: Thanks for the interview, Al. Greg is currently on many bird-related boards and committees and has been instrumental in decisions on listing and conservation. 1998 wasn't just any Big Year. Bald Eagle. Reading books by Sandy, Bill Ridell and Jim Vardaman gives you a flavor for whats required and the areas you need to visit. It was a beautiful day.. 2, on a tour boat in Bodega Bay: Al Levantin, a retired Fortune 500 chief executive now living in a mansion near Aspen and itching for a challenge. Position performs maintenance duties on Town parks,, Rental and Marketing Assistant: Boutique real estate firm looking for full-time or part-time help with rentals, marketing and concierge services.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Al Levantin, one of the birders about whom the movie and book The Big Year is based, will be the next guest on Bird Calls Radio. This holiday tradition was known as the Christmas Side Hunt, and whoever brought in the biggest bounty won, but on Christmas Day in 1900, a well-known ornithologist proposed a new holiday tradition: a "Christmas Bird Census." I tried for it in Vermont and New Hampshire without success. The Biggest Urban Pygmy Cormorant Roost is Finally Protected!! C: In The Big Year, Mark Obmascik really plays up the rivalry between you and Sandy Komito. Code 1 and 2 are common or fairly common species that a birder should be able to see with a certain amount of effort. In 1953, more than a century later, Roger Tory Peterson repeated this trek with binoculars and recorded his travels in the book "Wild America." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2011-2023 BirdCallsRadio & Podcast | All Rights Reserved. They would just kill anything they saw pretty much. Reading about them, however, is unquestionably a joy. One suspects that Levantin, a self-made man who can claim success in a number of careers (he was yanked out of retirement three times but now remains happily unemployed), didnt find his life had changed all that dramatically because of his own big year and/or the book of the same name. Weve met Sandy Komito a couple of times but need an Al Levantin sighting for the hat trick. After my book was published, I got many calls and letters from people saying they had been inspired to try birding for the first time. He also remains in touch with author Obmasick, who was part of a Pulitzer Prize-winning team (for the Columbine shooting coverage) at The Denver Post. So, with birding, you do stop and it is peaceful.. The story about my overstating my count is accurate. All I need is a birder friend who has some connection with Greg Miller. It was a beautiful day. The bald eagles were nowhere in sight, but Levantin and the others spotted a gaggle of geese in the Roaring Fork River. Levantin may not have won the competition, but it hasnt stopped him from counting birds. This is Larsons fifth or sixth Christmas Bird Count. A hairy woodpecker, that is. May you see both your Blue Mockingbird and white Gyrfalcon this year! Al Levantin is recently retired and a devoted husband, whose wife tells him that now is the time to follow his dream. We are good friends. You see that stem right there that's where he stands and looks down at the river, she said. Anything about your family youd like to share with us? If you were a bird, which species would you be and why? In its 50 . The nest has moved a little ways upriver now, but Tekce said the eagles still come here to fish. Birder Profile is a weekly blog segment at "Birding is Fun!" spotlighting a fellow birder. My wife asked me not to hike up the mountain without someone accompanying me on the trip to find the Colima Warbler. At the same time, the director was working hard to make it ring true to birds and birders. It is a lifelong thing, and hopefully I live long enough to be able to name some birds, she said, laughing. For now, Tekce continues to enjoy the company of the resident eagles. During 1998 he would call us at all hours of the day/night and ask what was being seen wherever he was. This leaning tree is their favorite tree because right underneath the hunting is the best. Ive noted that they will start filming in Tofino, British Columbia the second week of May. To pursue their passion, Miller logged 87,000 miles and Levantin broke 135,000 on United Airlines alone. The ferruginous pygmy owl becomes "a spunky predator that weighs less than a pack of cigarettes." It didnt take them long to spot their first birds. Greg Miller is a friend of my wife and me. Levantin has . Legal Notices Privacy Policy Contact Us. But there was competition. The other bird that frustrated me is the Blue Mockingbird which I always seem to miss by a few hours. He was on the set for 3 weeks with many of the actors and crew and got to meet the stars! It has a brown head with little white dots on it, and it has a white breast and belly with black streaks, he said. And, oh, the birds. Visit your local Audubon center, join a chapter, or help save birds with your state program. When I sent out a message for help on the local listserv, I got a message from Mr. Levantin himself, telling me that the Rosy-finches were at his house and inviting me over to see them. A: 1998 was a fun year and I always tell people to chase your dreams, which I waited 40 years to do. I provided the seeds, nuts, and suet, and the birds came in droves. Individually, they traveled thousands of miles from the Dry Tortugas off Florida to Attu in the Aleutian Islands and endured unbelievably harsh conditions in order to score sightings . The last step in the Christmas Bird Count is to compile and submit the local data to the National Audubon Society. I enjoyed the book tremendously. Farther down the river, the trio counted two green-winged teals floating along with several mallard ducks and an elusive American dipper bobbing in and out of the frigid water. Picking Up the Pen Again: JP Brammer Reignited His Passion Sketching Birds, The Bird Flu Blazes On, Amping Up Concerns for Wildlife and Human Health, National Audubon Society to Celebrate The Birdsong Project at Benefit Event, The Flight of the Spoonbills Holds Lessons for a Changing Evergladesand World, At Last, a Real Possibility to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change, How Tribes Are Reclaiming and Protecting Their Ancestral Lands From Coast to Coast, Our Favorite Fascinating Bird Behaviors from the 2022 Audubon Photo Awards, Help power unparalleled conservation work for birds across the Americas, Stay informed on important news about birds and their habitats, Receive reduced or free admission across our network of centers and sanctuaries, Access a free guide of more than 800 species of North American birds, Discover the impacts of climate change on birds and their habitats, Learn more about the birds you love through audio clips, stunning photography, and in-depth text. A small group of birders piled into his car at the Third Street Center. Fellow birder Allen Levantin also started birding as a kid growing up in the Bronx, a borough in New York City. My hope is that the movie sparks the same reaction, but on an even grander scale. Was the book accurate in the descriptions of your personal relationships and your financial state? The group spotted 42 species for the Christmas Bird Count in a single day. For starters, a lot of stuff gets changed. The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature, and Fowl Obsession: To bring you The Big Year movie, screenwriters adapted Mark Obmascik's book about Sandy Komito, Al Levantin, and Greg Miller . Some bird photos that could have been good, Anticipation Building for Midwest Birding Symposium. I sometimes call myself a pity birder because I go places and the birds take pity and come over, she said. The only thing the men have in common is birds, and the obsession to count more of them in North America in a single "Big Year" than anyone else. Where in Ohio would you say is the most under-birded place that may have great untapped potential? Al Levantin, and Greg Miller (Wilson's, Martin's, and Black's characters . This is where the sheer size of the movie business sank in for me. 2 things he loved to do. Theres no more running through airports to catch a plane to Harlingen just as it pulls away from the gate; the new post-9/11 travel restrictions did away with that. The Big Year was 1998, the protagonists were Sandy Komito, a roofing contractor from New Jersey; Al Levantin, a well-heeled businessman; and Greg Miller, a software jock for a nuclear power plant. There's a sort of David and Goliath bend to the story that's . Currently hes in Tofino, BC and sends us daily updates on shooting progress. Before moving to Carbondale, Colorado in 2016, I lived in Maryland and was a backyard birdwatcher. A: My advice to anyone planning a big year is to do lots of studying and working out the logistics, since you need to be in my places during the migration period. Al talks about his Big Year, birding in general, birding in Central Park, his encounter with a mountain lion and how many birds he logged in Connecticut during his Big Year (Nutmeggers may not like the answer. . He has always been smitten by the birding bug and loves to get outside. Greg had the fortunate opportunity to be the Bird Consultant for the movie, The Big year, which was filmed in spring & summer of 2010. Many years later, I did what is called a big year, where you spend the whole year looking to find as many species as possible.. And there was a beautiful Brown-capped Rosy Finch, one of the toughest-to-find birds in the U.S., I'd say, and one I had not seen since 2006, and then it was at a feeder (at famous Big Year birder Al Levantin's house, I should add). A good time was had by all! Here is the Bird Calls radio archive of Saturday, Oct 29, with guest Al Levantin, one of the three original birders about which "The Big Year" book was written. How else to explain how three very different characters from very different walks in life chose to embark upon this journey during the same 12-month period? Greg Miller, one of the men I wrote about, was hired as a consultant for the film, and he taught the main actors how to act like real birders and not some cartoonish pith-helmeted Miss Jane Hathaway from The Beverly Hillbillies. These three competitive . A big year is a personal challenge or an informal competition among birders who attempt to identify as many species of birds as possible by sight or sound, within a single calendar year and within a specific geographic area. Released on 2011-09-27 2011-09-27. . A birding festival on Mount Desert Island, Maine (Acadia National Park). Benton Basham - 710 (1983) 27. Boosted by contagious camaraderie, we were fortified enough to face the 0-degree temperature outside. Any behind the scenes birding experiences with cast/crew that you can share? And now with birding, it's all about what you see, you hear and also the feeling. April 22 @ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Aspen Public Radio. In that year three birders, Sandy Komito, Al Levantin and Greg Miller, chased Komito's record of 721 birds. I do believe the film will convey the excitement of the chase, as well as the natural beauty of birds and the landscape they live in. . No joke: On October 14, Fox 2000 will release the big-screen version of The Big Year. . For now, Tekce continues to enjoy the company of the resident eagles. Sopris, but everyone was ready to get out there and start counting. Now, it is easy to explain why I wanted to see the Blue-winged Warbler; I am a birder and birders want to see birds. I started as a Boy Scout, and that's where I got interested, he said. Their competitive quests are documented in the 2004 non-fiction book, The Big Year, by Pulitzer Prize winning author Mark Obmascik. In 1998 three birders--Sandy Komito, Al Levantin and Greg Miller--had their big year attempt chronicled in 2004 in a book of the same name by Mark Obmascik.Due to a few fortuitous circumstances including some spectacular fallout on Attu, a remote Alaskan Island, Komito's 1998 record of 745 species has never been surpassed.Their friendly yearlong rivalry is being documented further in a motion . Greg Miller, a recently divorced, low-on-money man from Amish country in Ohio, finished with 715 and Al Levantin, an Aspen, Colo., CEO, tallied 711 in that best Big Year ever. For Roaring Fork Audubon organizer Mark Fuller, it was another great day of birding in the books. Side gig for council member Mesirow addresses mental health among government workers, electeds, FIS chief, Doronin once business partners; return of World Cup to Aspen unrelated, according to organization, First World Cup race off: If you want a powder day, schedule a downhill, Skico honors Coach with Beattie Way, renames ski run. Mark Fuller, who is with Roaring Fork Audubon, says Clark was an avid birder and naturalist. The last step in the Christmas Bird Count is to compile and submit the local data to the National Audubon Society. Recently Lynn Barber of Texas did a big year and I believe she saw 723 species even though she spent a very considerable period in and around Alaska. Tag Archives: Al Levantin South Texas December 2012 Day 2. For example, in 1998, Greg Miller and Al Levantin, two of the three birders featured in The Big Year, mostly flew to bird-spotting locations. Say goodbye to checking tape-recorded rare bird alerts from phone booths. We protect birds and the places they need. What Miller lacks in money and experience -- he's nearly broke, out of shape and a generation younger than the top guns -- he makes up for in desperation. I see gadwells and buffleheads and, if Im on a really hot streak, a single old squaw.. Local bird obsessives have made their way into popular culture previously. Enter contestant No. But, according to Larson, the Christmas Bird Count was not always so peaceful. Photo: Greg Miller The birding Big Year may be familiar to persons outside of birding if for no other reason than the 2011 movie starring Owen Wilson, Jack Black and Steve Martin based on veteran birder . first signs of Komito's interests in birds. @page { So we can start with the Eagle buffer zone and then we can go to the other side of the river over there, if youre in the mood, said Tekce. mso-page-orientation: portrait; There are literally hundreds of people in this valley whose introduction to the natural world was through Dave Clark, Fuller said. To this day people ask me to autograph their books. I used to watch them every day, and I ended up learning to love them, she said. Others started a Big Year in some big birding hot spot; Levantin insisted on being with his wife for New Year's. Others hired guides to ease the discovery of rare birds; Levantin wanted to find everything himself. Not surprisingly, the notion of turning birds into ammo sprang from the warrior sex. In the end Sandy Komito kept the record, listing 745 birds plus 3 submitted in 1998 and later accepted by state committees for a revised total of 748. I sometimes call myself a pity birder because I go places and the birds take pity and come over, she said. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They could not have been nicer to us, he said about the film crew, which included director David Frankel. Awesome interview with an equally awesome person. Pruddens friend Ann Larson peered through her binoculars just a few feet away and smiled at the memory. As soon as you go out and just key into the birds, everything else, you know, leaves your mind, said Missy Prudden, a local teacher and artist. (By the way, have you recovered from the debts racked up during your big year?). He said the way to contend with lions on the trail was to make ourselves big, just as you say. The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) and the Roaring Fork Audubon Society held their counts Dec. 18 and 19. Stop the Destruction of Globally Important Wetland. The group spotted 42 species for the Christmas Bird Count in a single day. Colorado, where I met Al Levantin, an incredible birder and one of the subjects of Mark Obmascik's classic The Big Year . It was produced by Ben Stiller and directed by David Frankel (who also directed Marley & Me and The Devil Wears Prada). Jack Black is perfectly cast for Greg. Corey is a New Yorker who lived most of his life in upstate New York but has lived in, 2019 10,000 Birds // All rights reserved. There were 25 early birds who gathered on December 17, 2022, for RFAs 47th annual CBC. Birds that had never been seen in quantities or single sightings of such species were being recorded, Obmascik said. The whole shebang is narrated by John Cleese from Monty Python. And unbelievably, Twentieth Century Fox made a full feature motion picture inspired by the book . Bokram was able to identify the woodpecker as male because of the small red tuft near the crown of his head. Dick Filby and Al Levantin counted 98 Canada geese in the Roaring Fork River near Aspen Glen on Dec. 18. Weve been good friends ever since. Images and content protected and monitored. Youll still see him on a road bike grunting up steep hills with his gang, two or three times a week. Unfortunatelyor maybe notattracting birds to my house in Carbondale has not been easy, and Ive become an avid hiker in my quest to observe birds. For decades, this area known as the Eagle buffer zone was protected habitat for bald eagles, but after the nest moved upstream, the Aspen Glen Golf Company, which owns some of the land in the buffer area, requested that the protections be lifted for residential development. Should we walk a little bit down the river to see what else we can see? Sandy Komito, Al Levantin, and Greg Miller had the time of their lives racing to break the North American birding record, and I had the time of my life recounting their tale. Christmas Bird Counts have been going on since 1900, when ornithologist and early Audubon friend Frank Chapman helped organize a non-lethal counterpart to popular brutal "side hunt" competitions of the day. How he manages to compete against two wealthy retirees with nothing but time makes up the book's most poignant and satisfying plotline. Non-birding readers can surely begin to imagine how our feathered friends can invite such affection and awe. I dont look at the world the same way anymore, he said this week. A: Sandys record will be very, very difficult to best because of not having access to Attu. If its Owen Wilson Ill still be happy. Yeah..I saw the whole photo in Greg's phone.:). Client Information Form. A Year of Birding in Costa Rica- Highlights and a Few Birds Missed, Casa Tangara dowii, Costa Rica: to claim our feathery gold. Yardley, PA 19067, Meet Our Team Others started a Big Year in some big birding hot spot; Levantin insisted on being with his wife for New Year's. Others hired guides to ease the discovery of rare birds; Levantin wanted to find everything himself. Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. There, in a forsaken valley not far from the Arctic Circle, they built a striking replica of the ramshackle World War II barracks that birders in my book had relied upon in Attu. Privacy Policy Full-time, year round. Learn how your comment data is processed. Its certainly not a documentary. When he moved to southern Maryland before his Big Year, he looked up ABA members in the directory and Bell was the first one. (NOTE: The Big Year is available on both DVD & Blu-rayas well as Netflix & Redbox.). size: 2cm 2.7cmt; I adore Greg Miller! The drama of watching the competition is absorbing, and you will probably end up rooting for one . Birding helped Wender slow down, much as it did with Bokram.